Without a doubt, the dependability of the hosting service is among the most vital aspects that you should examine before you order a hosting package, but also the account management process shouldn’t be unreasonably complicated. You would not like to sign in and out of separate platforms all the time to accomplish some elementary tasks, would you? With the most popular Control Panel tools, there are no less than 2 accounts for a site – hosting and billing, so you have to log in and out of 2 separate interfaces to register a new domain name, then to host it and to upload the web files associated with it. It’d be far more convenient if you could manage everything associated with your domain names in one place and save a lot of time and effort, not to mention that it would be much easier to perform certain tasks.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Hosting

The Domain Manager, which is integrated into our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel and which is included with each hosting plan, will grant you total command over your domain names. Not only can you perform standard tasks such as registering or renewing a domain, updating the WHOIS data or enabling Whois Privacy Protection, but you can also access more advanced options such as creating an email address, an FTP account or a database, viewing visitor and traffic statistics or modifying the DNS records for any domain name registered under your hosting account. Apart from the convenience of having everything in one single location, another major advantage of our tool is that all the features are extremely easy to access and to use, so you can take advantage of it even if you’ve never used a web hosting plan before.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with each and every semi-dedicated server plan that we are offering, is an all-encompassing tool, which will give you complete command over your account and which features our feature-rich Domain Manager. It permits you to administer everything associated with the domains in the account – both the hosted and the registered ones. The most vital functions are all there – you can register or renew a domain, enable Whois Privacy Protection for it, park and forward it or modify its WHOIS information. The Domain Manager, though, is much more than just a list of your domain names and a few standard functions. It’s an innovative tool, within which you will find quick-access buttons, using which you can effortlessly set up a database or an e-mail account, access the web files associated with a certain domain name or examine elaborate visitor statistics and access logs. Albeit powerful, the Domain Manager tool is intuitive, so it can be used by persons with little or no experience.