Database Manager
The fastest method to organize your MySQL and PgSQL databases

Via the Database Manager built–into the Web Control Panel, it’s possible to build brand new MySQL and PgSQL databases in an instant! Also, you’ll get direct access to the management area software programs (phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, respectively), so that you can effortlessly manage the database you want.
Neat and User–friendly User interface
Take care of all your databases from a single place
The Database Manager within our Web Control Panel features a refined nevertheless simplified user interface. You’re able to set up a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database simply by typing in a user name and password. Also, you could make a back–up file or alter the security password of the database with just a click of the mouse.
Within the Database Manager you’ll get direct access to the management area for every one of your databases, so you’re able to make uncomplicated changes if you happen to need to.
Simple Database Back up
Back up your databases in a minute
We have evolved the manual database backup formation into a very easy task. To execute that: in the Database Manager, click on the ’clock’ image beside the database that you plan to back up and then wait around for a few seconds for the process to take place. With respect to the size of the database, the generation of a backup file will require somewhere between a few seconds and a minute.
You can make as many backup copies per database as you wish. We’ve not set any limitations on the amount of databases you could back up either.
Support for PgSQL
Warranted protection for one’s databases
PgSQL databases are much less common as opposed to the widespread MySQL databases. Nevertheless, they represent a favored selection for programmers who are looking for the utmost safety for their sites and applications. Through the incredibly user–friendly Database Manager built into the Zona Informatica Control Panel, you can control your PostgreSQL databases with merely a mouse click.
You’re going to find PgSQL databases integrated automatically in the top hosting packages packages. In case you are with a basic hosting package, you’ll be able to request PgSQL databases to be included in your cloud hosting account as upgrades.
InnoDB Databases
The fresh new face of MySQL
With Zona Informatica, you’ll always find the most recent release of MySQL plus the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, mounted.
InnoDB is much more stable when compared to the past storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It is ACID–compliant and, most importantly – it provides 100% transaction support. In addition, it works by using row–level locking, as an alternative to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that would always cause effectiveness problems at high usage occasions.
Detailed Database Stats
Complete stats for all your databases
We provide you a very easy solution to keep track of the database usage on your active web sites. Through the thorough database statistics user interface, which is integrated into the Web Control Panel, you can easily keep an eye on the load created by your active web sites in real time. The presented data will help you analyze the database load changes by the hour, every day or each month.
You’ll be able to observe the database load for all of your sites within the Database Stats section of the Web Control Panel. The table onscreen reveals the database lookups created in the present month. To review data for an earlier month, just click on the back arrows positioned at the top.