Perfecting your web sites could often be difficult considering that you need to change your backend code quite a lot to ensure your pages operate much faster. Nevertheless, you can enhance your site’s functionality, without having to alter anything at all in the backend. With the help of the Website Accelerator Programs, integrated into the Web Control Panel, you could help your sites come up and function a lot faster than ever before. This won’t just benefit your visitors (everyone loves the web site they are checking out to come up rapidly), but will in addition help your website get better rankings in search engines.

Dealing with the Website Accelerator Programs is in fact quick. Merely go to the Web Control Panel and discover precisely how each web accelerator application operates.


RAM–saving in place of data–base calls

When you’ve got a database–driven site or app, and if data base requests usually tend to reduce the performance, this could be really disheartening for the website visitors or the application consumers. Looking for an answer usually can require a great deal of time. However, inside the Zona Informatica Web Control Panel, you can find a resolution for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet robust distributed memory object caching platform, that collects data and objects in the RAM. By doing this, the database–saved information on your site does not need to be requested every time a visitor loads the very same web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing instead of HTTP calls

In case you have content–intense busy web sites with numerous pictures and also movies, you’ll surely need to ensure that your pages come up fast for your website visitors. An outstanding instrument your able to use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that can help you boost your web sites without needing you to possess any particular computing capabilities.

Varnish stores all calls towards the server with the server’s RAM and ships the pages promptly to the customer by eliminating completely new queries towards the server. In this way, all pages on your website are going to be streamed 300 – 1000x times faster to your customers. You can even select whether the arriving calls will be handled by Varnish, or by the web server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


Create scalable web applications without hassle

Node.js comes with a contemporary programming system for building flexible web apps and sites in a record breaking speed. It can be utilized for almost everything – from handling API queries, streaming documents and parsing e–mails to converting graphics, audio files, online videos and office documents.

It’s powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it compact and effective. Moreover, Node.js is known for a sizeable loyal community that makes continuous updates to the program and is always willing to offer advice.

Hepsia File Manager