FTP, which is short for File Transfer Protocol, is the most popular way to transfer web content to a hosting account. Using FTP software that is pre-installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can set up a connection to your website hosting server and copy all of the web files that you want with several clicks of the mouse. You can do this via an easy-to-navigate interface and it is as easy as dragging and dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is the fact that you’ll be able to create several accounts, each one with a different level of access to your web space, so if you want to provide somebody with access, for instance – a designer, they will be able to connect only to one particular folder and won’t be able to access the remaining content or any other information, including personal details. Three things are mandatory to be able to connect via FTP – a hostname, which is normally an IP or a domain name, a user name and a password.

FTP Accounts in Hosting

Any of the hosting plans that we’re offering will enable you to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to manage the content of your Internet sites separately or to provide other persons with access to any website in your web hosting account. If you’ve got a web design software application installed on your home PC, you’ll be able to administer numerous sites at the same time and to keep them up to date with ease. If you provide the login information to some other individual to carry out a specific task, you’ll be able to update the password for that FTP account or to delete it completely with just a couple of mouse clicks and prevent any possibility of unauthorized access to your web content in the future. For the sake of convenience, all FTP accounts that you create will be shown alphabetically in the respective section of your Hepsia Control Panel.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You will be able to access your semi-dedicated server account via FTP regardless of the semi-dedicated plan that you have selected upon signup, since the FTP access is among the default features that you will be able to use. All our packages come with an unlimited FTP account allowance, so you can create as many FTP accounts as you like from the Hepsia Control Panel with which you’ll be able to administer your web content as well. All the FTP accounts will be shown in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and in case you do not need a given account any longer, you can just remove it and prevent people who have used it before from accessing it again. The latter functionality is especially useful if you use the services of a web developer or if an IT professional quits your company and you do not want them to access the website files any longer. An in-depth Help section that comprises how-to video clips will help you administer your FTP accounts in case you don’t have prior experience.

FTP Accounts in VPS

None of the Linux VPS that we’re offering includes any cap on the maximum number of FTP accounts that you can manage at any moment, so you can create a separate FTP account for any site hosted on your VPS server, no matter if it’s under a domain or subdomain. In addition, it doesn’t matter which Control Panel you’ll choose when you order – Hepsia, DirectAdmin or cPanel, as an FTP server will be set up on the VPS at the time of the installation of any of them. If you want a number of people to be able to access the same folder using their very own log-in credentials, for example, it’ll take a couple of clicks of the mouse to set up an FTP account for each of them. Deleting an existing account or changing the directory that it can access is just as easy and you will not have to deal with any impediments, even if you do not have any prior experience in such matters.